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Contract Services Available

Create New Website - Set up an account, create/replicate the current website and create website templates

Website Refresh - Update webpage theme, templates, and pages for a fresh new look.

Custom Domain Set-up - Update DNS settings to Wild Apricot specifications to use your custom domain. 

Create Events – Set up registration, webpage, and online payments.

Create Donation Page – Set up a page for easy online donations and automatic thank you and receipts.

Membership – Set up membership categories, and create the online member application. create standard emails.

Membership Records Import – Prepare and import current membership records.

Email and Newsletter Templates – Create standard email templates and graphics.

Graphics – Create custom graphics, flyers, invitations, and posters to promote your organization and events.

Wild Apricot Training and Orientation Individual or small group remote or in-person training to get your team using and managing the features of Wild Apricot.

    Manage Membership Program – Handle all aspects of the membership program, send renewal notices, process new membership requests, mail membership cards, and other materials, and respond to membership-related inquiries.

    Technical Services Support services to make small businesses, organizations, and associations visible and successful on the web. Services include logo design, mass e-communications, and social media.

    Management Services Manage volunteer group projects, strategic planning, volunteer management training, special event coordination, conference management, and sponsorship program management.

    Terms and Rates

    Services are provided both remotely and throughout the Southeastern US at off-site meeting and conference venues.

    Services are performed as a contract and payment is due at the completion of the contract work.  Electronic invoices are provided and online payments accepted include ACH transfer, VISA, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express. Online transactions are Payment Card Industry (PCI) compliant

          • Hourly rate - $79
          • Monthly rate - based on a contract for annual services
          • Project rate – based on contract detailing work to be performed

    Any services agreed upon are performed by TomStar Services, as an independent contractor, and not as an employee of the client. 

    TomStar Services is responsible for any tax liability associated with the payments for contracted services. 

    Services are performed in direct coordination with the client's primary contact or designee. 

    TomStar Services is responsible for providing all the necessary equipment, incidental supplies, and labor to perform the services agreed upon.

    A W-9 is provided at the time of invoicing.

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